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PLEASE help with annoying problem regarding boot animations


New Member
Can someone PLEASE help me with this problem and explain in full detail as to what I have to do to resolve it. I'm trying to put a new boot animation on my motorola droid which is NOT rooted. I found this one particular tutorial on these forums on how to get the new boot animation without rooting. Here it is:

Originally Posted by Big Lou
First, you need the Android SDK. You can find that here: Android SDK | Android Developers

Extract the folder and run Setup. It will ask you to download files, do so.

Next, create your animation--I won't go into much detail about this... all I'll say is the only real specification is that they are .png and they are named in a way that they can be numerically ordered with the first frame being the lowest possible number. Here is the original zip file for the default animation: Droid Forum - Verizon Droid & the Motorola Droid Forum
If you want just a single looping animation, simply put your frames into a single folder, preferably called "part0". If you have half your animation run once and the other half loop, put those two halves into separate folders--"part0" and "part1".

Modify the desc.txt to coordinate with your frames and folders. Here is a guide on the desc.txt: The desc.txt for boot animations works like this

Using 7zip found here: 7-Zip, create a zip archive of the folders and desc.txt with the compression setting as "store". Name this zip file: bootanimation.zip

Place this bootanimation.zip into the tools folder of the SDK. You can find the tools folder inside of the android_sdk_windows folder you extracted when you downloaded the SDK.

Connect your phone to your computer with USB. Mount your phone by clicking on the USB message in the notification bar. You will then need to run Debugging mode by going on your phone to: Settings > Applications > Development > USB Debugging. Make sure this is checked; you should get an exclamation mark icon in your notification bar.

Once you are connected, mounted, and in debugging mode, go to on your computer: Start > Run. Type in "cmd" and hit Ok. This will open command prompt.

You need to navigate to the android_sdk_folder from command prompt. If the folder is in your C drive and the letter next to your cursor is different, simply type: "c:" and it will switch to the correct drive. If you are on an XP machine and the folder is on your desktop, you will need to navigate to the tools folder by typing:

cd c:\Documents and Settings\user\Desktop\android-sdk-windows\tools

...where "user" is your login name. THIS IS NOT ALWAYS THE ADDRESS, you can see the full path at the top of the open tools folder. The "cd" before the directory path is necessary--it tells the command prompt to "change directory".

If you have correctly typed in the exact directory your tools folder is in, you should see the entire directory path displayed to the left of your cursor on the new line. Now, you need to push the bootanimation.zip folder to your phone by entering in this line of text:
adb push bootanimation.zip /data/local

Once you hit enter, a second should go by and you should see that a certain amount of data was added to the phone. When you see this, turn off your phone and reboot. You should now see the new animation! You may need to unplug your USB cable before you turn the power back on. In debugging mode, it may display weird menu text when you boot up if you are still connected to the PC.

I hope this helps, I know I was in the same boat as a lot of you, I had to scrounge around to find all this info, don't know why it's not all in one place.

Now I'm stuck at the part where you have to navigate to the android_sdk_folder from the command prompt. I have the folder located in the downloads folder under my C drive. I type in the location of where exactly the folder containing the desired files is, but each time it gives me an error saying " " is not recognized as an internal or external command, operable program or batch file. What do i have to do?

Thanks in advance for the effort.