PLEASE help me fix this double notification issue (handcent related)


Mar 9, 2010
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I have this issue all the time but I can never remember how to fix it. I did a wipe and installed the latest sapphire ROM and installed handcent. I'm getting double notifications even though notifications are turned off on the default text message app. I even uninstalled handcent, and I still get a buzz + ringtone when I get a text from the default messaging app even though notifications are OFF. I even enabled them, set the ring to silent, and turned off vibrate and then disabled them again and I STILL get a buzz + default ringtone for every text received. Can someone please tell me how to fix this? My phone buzzes a total of 4 times and has 2 different ringtones for every text I get, and I get a LOT.
All I did was go into the stock messaging app and in the settings turn off notifications. I get 1 notification from handcent when I get a message now.
Just a thought, do you have any other notification apps? I had the same double notification issue that drove me crazy for a week when default app notifications were turned off, then I realized it was "missed call" doing the notifying.
I googled this for 2 hours last night and that was one other thing that seemed to cause it, having another app that did notifications. I searched my app list and don't see anything at all that would cause it. I just restored my apps from the previous version of sapphire, and I wasn't having the issue then. This seems to be a major bug in the Android OS as I've had this problem since 2.0.1.

Let me clarify again, notifications in the stock/default text msg app are OFF. Every text I get I get a notification in the taskbar up top for handcent which is blue and previews the text (along with a double buzz and ringtone) and I get another notification that is a green smiley face in the shape of a text message in the taskbar (and another set of buzzes + ringtone). Is there a way to remove and reinstall the text msg apk? I have root explorer.
I had the same problem a while back...
After 4-5 days of wanting to chuck my phone across the room I figured out it was Pure Messenger that was sending the 2nd notification.

Ok this is messed up. I just deleted the mms.apk (made a backup of it first) so the default messaging app was uninstalled from my phone (according to appaware). I tested it by sending myself a text through handcent and still got double notified. Both notifications in the taskbar up top led back to handcent. I don't have any other app that does notifications. This is driving me crazy.
I sure don't. I have the exact same lineup of apps I had before this flash, and I didn't have this problem before. I wouldn't be so adamant in trying to fix it, and would just wipe and reflash if I hadn't already spent hours getting this ROM setup the way I like.
After you removed mms.apk, did you reboot the phone? Also, do you mind posting a list of your apps, maybe its a setting in one that someone will be familiar with.
I didn't think the stock mms app was removable with out screwing up other apps functions. Am I mistaken?

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