i have no idea what i could have done wrong. my first attemt was just simply extracting the zip on my desktop then i put part one and zero and the text doc. ia a zip folder and put them on the root of my sdcard. i used the emulator app on my phone after i ejected it from my computer. i have the code but its su for the super permissions then its mount and remount then the /block and such then it the whole dd of=/sdcard/bootanimation.zip of=/system/medie/bootanimation.zip. all worked fine and said it tranffered the next step was reboot which i typed in and so it did the boot. now I dont have a animation at all? its just the motorola m then it goes black till the phone loads? sinc that fist time i thought i mat have been something i have done so i have tried the android sdk way and for some reason it says adb is not recognized as an internal or external command, operable program or batch file? so for, one i need to get my animation back and figure out the best way to get new ones? two figure out this adb thing...is is possible that i dont have it? i have a dx 2.2.1 and its rooted. i even found a app on a forum about downloading it from your phone and installing it and i gives you a small library of anmation. done it and thus far is says they are loaded and i apply and it says they are applied and to reboot, i do and still nothing but black screen? everything else on my phone is fine its just the boot animation screen