pics erased?


New Member
i plugged my phone in via usb to my laptop to charge it. when i disconnected it i noticed later on all of my pics were dumped to my pc. when i go to my external drive after reconnecting, all my pix are in the file but not on the phone............................what the hell????? help please


New Member
I don't believe the droid has a setting that auto exports photos to your pc. Some people have software on there pc that auto recognizes cameras and downloads all the photos. don't know if it would recognize the droid. I would take a few pics and reconnect and watch the computer closely. See if it happens again, and if you can see a notification that it is doing it.


Something similiar happened to me yesterday. I was copying my videos from vacation over to my computer via USB. After copying the vids over, I tried to select them on the SD card of the phone in Windows Explorer to delete them. When I clicked delete, it said that the directory did not exist. The ENTIRE DCIM folder then dissappeared, taking all of my vacation pics with it. Really pissed me off and I still have no idea what happened.