Photos disappear from gallery


Nov 14, 2009
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I've taken about a dozen pictures with the TB. Only two of them show up in the gallery (tried both stock and Gallery from the Market).

The pictures are on the SD card and I can browse to them with Astro.

Anyone else?
I've taken about a dozen pictures with the TB. Only two of them show up in the gallery (tried both stock and Gallery from the Market).

The pictures are on the SD card and I can browse to them with Astro.

Anyone else?

I have sort of the same problem...
I have flashed a couple of new ROMs (das BAMF and boLTEd) and when I try to find my icons, photos and music (ringtones,etc.) on my SD card, they won't show up. Have to flash back to Virus ROM I am using and things are good...
I need my fix of new ROMs and this doesn't help me any.

Thanks...I tried this and a couple of others that do the same thing with no results.
This is pretty wierd as the programs on the SD are recognized, but not the pics or music. Not sure if there is anything else.
One thing I did notice is that the albums would appear for an instant then the the Gallery would say No Photos or Video Found.

I have even gone so far as to reformat the SD card and copy the contents back onto the card with no avail.

I'm bummed :icon_evil:
This happened to me. Using ASTRO, I found that the pictures were still intact under the DCIM folder. I moved them, then moved them back and have had no problems since.

I haven't had issues with my music, but I have it all under a "Media" folder I created.
This happened to me. Using ASTRO, I found that the pictures were still intact under the DCIM folder. I moved them, then moved them back and have had no problems since.

I haven't had issues with my music, but I have it all under a "Media" folder I created.

I have moved the pics and music, created a new folder, and on and on. Everything I could think of.

Also, when I take a picture, the Gallery sees it for a few minutes, then the next time I go to look at it, it is gone. They have even disappered from the Gallery when I have it open!

This is really bizarre. Doesn't matter what ROM I flash.

It looks like the issue was the SD card itself. I replaced my 32gb card with a 16gb card out of my OG Droid and lo and behold...everything is back in working order. Not sure what happened to the card. I tried reformatting it and replacing the files and it didn't work. Going to take the original card back for an exchange. My TB rocks once again!
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h: mine to just.. just happened today. All albums missing. Still on sd card but nothing in gallery.
This is really getting annoying. They need to fix this. I consider this to be broken functionality.
Do me a favor and download Quickpic from the market....this fixed this issue for me. But if it works you are going to have to make it your default. No loss there as you can tell it which folders to look at. Not to mention it is faster and much nicer, IMO, than the stock gallery.
Thanks, nerd. Quickpic is great...and so FAST.
Do me a favor and download Quickpic from the market....this fixed this issue for me. But if it works you are going to have to make it your default. No loss there as you can tell it which folders to look at. Not to mention it is faster and much nicer, IMO, than the stock gallery.

Thanks. I'll give it a try. Can't possibly be any worse than it is now. I'll let you know what happens.
I've taken about a dozen pictures with the TB. Only two of them show up in the gallery (tried both stock and Gallery from the Market).

The pictures are on the SD card and I can browse to them with Astro.

Anyone else?

Hey my phone did the same thing but with a movie I had installed so I did the same thing went digging for it through astro and found it had to move the file back to videos.

OK I downloaded it and it didn't find my pix until I asked it to view hidden and then it pulled up all including book covers, game pix, etc. I think there's a way to choose what to view but I can't figure out how. Also, how do I make it my default?