phone while screen off


New Member
Dec 13, 2009
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Just wondering if this has happened to anyone else. When my screen is off for a period of time, like over night, it seems as it is in deep sleep and losses connection. Like when I wake up in the morning my alarm doesn't go off cause the time stops at the point it went into sleep mod. Or when I used the navigation and the screen timeout, the navigation would stop at that point and not give me any instructions. I am running 1.4. not sure if this is a nexus thing or rom thing. Thanks.
I have seen a few other folks mention this, across a variety of setups including stock. So I would imagine this is a problem with ICS itself. Not sure if there is a fix or not.
This has been discussed in some of the kernel threads. I think it was because a voltage setting was too low when the phone is in deep sleep (screen off for extended periods), causing it to not wake-up and just freeze. I corrected the issue on my phone by going into the performance settings, and clicking the "apply at boot" check box. Also make sure the CPU governor is set to ondemand.

There is also a new kernel from the CNA kernel dev on rootzwiki that addresses this issue, it's ver. 1.5.
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i will try this out later today. thanks for the suggestion.
what you said worked. thanks for the quick response.