Phone turned itself "ON"


Just did the Gingerbread update yesterday and all is fine so far. But last night I turned my phone off and this morning to my surprise my phone was on. Anybody have an idea what happened? My timer showed it being on for 11hrs which is roughly the time span from when I shut it down.

Just for info, I did press the power button at the top of the phone and then tapped turn phone "off" and had the above problem.
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New Member
Mine did that too for a while on .595. I haven't noticed it recently though. Its some sort of bug. I put zombie stomped on my phone and haven't had any issues since. Are you running the ota update?

Sent from my Zombie Stomped DX


Mine did that too for a while on .595. I haven't noticed it recently though. Its some sort of bug. I put zombie stomped on my phone and haven't had any issues since. Are you running the ota update?

Sent from my Zombie Stomped DX

Yes. Did the OTA yesterday. When I pressed "turn phone off" it did it's usaul beep and vibe but never made the longer sound before the phone completely shuts off like before. Not sure because of Gingerbread that the shutdown sounds are different, but the phone did shut off completely.


I have the exact same issue. I use the power off, the phone shuts off, and then 10 - 20 minutes later it powers itself right back up.

Does anyone know why?


I have the exact same issue. I use the power off, the phone shuts off, and then 10 - 20 minutes later it powers itself right back up.

Does anyone know why?

Glad to know it's not just me. I never heard it power back up since I walked outside. Did you hear yours power back up?


Airlines will have to update their preflight scripts.

"ladies and gentlemen welcome aboard flight 13. please turn off all electronic devices, and if you have gingerbread .595 installed please also remove your battery.
thank you and have a pleasant flight."


I have the exact same issue. I use the power off, the phone shuts off, and then 10 - 20 minutes later it powers itself right back up.

Does anyone know why?

Glad to know it's not just me. I never heard it power back up since I walked outside. Did you hear yours power back up?

Nope it silently starts back up. The only way I have been able to stop it is to do a battery pull.

BTW, I'm running .596 myself.


New Member
Mine was also not plugged into the charger. Even after a battery pull it came on once. Now it seems to be staying off for me, but it might just be dormant lol...I'll test it out some more and report back since I don't turn my phone off much.

Also, sometimes when it does this "Ninja turn-on" it boots into recovery and I have to select reboot system to get it to go into the OS.