I'm having a problem with my Droid X using the 2.2 Froyo update. My phone was rooted using 2.1 when I updated to 2.2 and I started getting this problem. If my phone turns off then when it tries to turn back on it will get "stuck" at the Motorola logo screen. I say "stuck" because I discovered I can still use my phone, I can unlock it, open things, turn it off, it works except it only shows the boot up screen. I can get around this by leaving my battery out for several minutes, then it will boot up fine. I also noticed my phone doesn't have this problem if my SD card is removed, which is weird. I've already tried several things to fix my phone but nothing has worked. What I've tried so far:
Unrooting my phone
Rerooting my phone
flashing a "stock" 2.2 SBF
reset to factory defaults
reformat SD card
clearing Davlik cache
clearing data/cache through recovery
I'm out of ideas except for trying to get my phone replaced by Verizon. So my question is what's left for me to try? Thanks in advance if anyone can help me out here.
Unrooting my phone
Rerooting my phone
flashing a "stock" 2.2 SBF
reset to factory defaults
reformat SD card
clearing Davlik cache
clearing data/cache through recovery
I'm out of ideas except for trying to get my phone replaced by Verizon. So my question is what's left for me to try? Thanks in advance if anyone can help me out here.