Phone Extensions - Prompt to Dial Ext ??


New Member
Jan 16, 2010
Reaction score
Aurora, OH
Thanks for everyone's help on the Forum... what a great site!!

So - I have synchronized my Outlook Contacts with my Verizon / Motorola DROID. Currently - many of my phone numbers look like this:

(330) 123-4567 ,9999

Where 9999 is the person's phone Extension.

When I click on the contact to dial their phone number... the Droid will dial:


... and then I get an annoying message saying the number I dialed is incorrect.

So then I went into Outlook Contacts - and changed the phone number to the "proper format"...

+1 (330) 123-4567 x 9999

... and that didn't seem to help either.

Is there a setting or application that will Dial the main number - and then wait & PROMPT for the extension??
Add a semi-colon ";". I found this while dialing a number and it works but for some reason it's not an option when your entering a number in Contacts.
I have tried the semi-colon and it works; however, on my previous black berry I was able to put pauses in the phone number so that it would automatically dial the extension after the call was picked up. This is very handy when you are driving. Does any one know how to put in this pauses into the droid x contact in order for it to do the same?
Yes - you just put commas in - more commas for more time. I think a comma equals one second, but haven't timed it to be sure.
Droid phone extension problem

The best work around I've found is to change the "x" in an extension ie x221 in your Outlook database to "w" ie w221. This is a pain but it works. The "w" ends up a wait so the phone will dial the ten digit number and then put the extension on your screen asking if you would like to enter it.

The Droid folks should have the software IN THEIR PHONES interpret an "x" for extension as a "w" then people wouldn't have to modify any of their Outlook contact data. Hopefully if I change my database to use the "w" when this is fixed the phones will except both "x" and "w" (or other standard extension codes).

Phone Extensions

Josh's suggestion worked for me. In addition, if you add a "p" before the extension, it should automatically dial the extension after the call is answered. I think a "pp" will delay the entry of the extension even longer.
