Remote for PC Pandora via Android
So here's the workaround!
Get PRemoteDroid from marketplace and install on your 'droid phone
follow the instructions for installing server app on your pc (mac?)
run the server app; (get your pc's ip address)
start a new connection on your phone;
password can be left default or you can change
enter the ip address of your pc in the field:
just type right over it; I was confused at first and kept getting
connection issues (I had been trying to erase the text), but when
I just went to the box and started entering the IP, I was able to
connect almost instantly.
There are other features including a limited screen capture, but really
this app functions as a great mouse for your screen (including controlling
pandora, etc.) I have a projector, and it works great for movie control,
whether dvd, netflix, vlc, etc. because you're just controlling your computer.
Until someone actually creates a pandora volume widget, this is the next
best thing!!