Pandora issue


Jan 25, 2010
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Currently running Jrummy's Kangerade with the 1250 P3 Kernal. I love it but have run into an issue with Pandora. It will load fine... I pick a station and it starts playing a song... and then freezes and eventually reboots. Not a set amount of time, but I haven't made it thru a whole song. Does anyone know if this is a known issue with Froyo or a newer update of Pandora? Any help would be appreciated....
No ideas? I was so excited to stream Pandora... Got the 3.5" stereo cord and then find out Pandora is borked for some reason... A friend says this issue has been happening on his EVO as well... Hoping one of you has some input...
In my experience, Pandora has issues with any 2.2 ROM. I have tried out almost every 2.2 ROM that's out and I've had issues on every one. It's my favorite but I started using Slacker for now until Pandora updates their app to work well with 2.2.
^^ Thanks! Got Slacker and it works well... Seems just as good as Pandora so it will work :)
Hmm strange. I am on Jrummy's 2.2 currently and been streaming pandora fine for a few hours now at work. I did notice it would freeze and stop playing music sometimes back on 2.1 as well as get a crackly sound on the music.

I will run it for a bit more and see if anything occurs. From experience on 2.1, if I exit pandora, and let it run in the background, while using the browser, or other cpu intensive apps, pandora will sometimes stop playing and will require to be closed and reopened.
No problem. The biggest downside I see to Slacker is it says after 7 days you will get ads I think. Not sure if they mean in the streaming or little ads on the app itself. I haven't used it for 7 days yet so I'll see soon!

I've loaded pandora and drove from Pittsburgh to North Dekota and it only went out twice on some back roads... BUT I'm trying to listen to pandora now at a stationary location with almost all bars showing a good connection... and every song starts and plays about 30 seconds then it quits till the next song loads. Driving me nuts.

Also, I've run istamapper (a hell of an app that allows anyone with internet access to know exactly where you are ane the speed and direction you are traveling ... if you give them the log in name and password) ... HOWEVER, it sometimes causes EVO to reboot.... I set it to update my location every 10 minutes and it stopped rebooting... it was set to upload every minute. I'm sure there is a conflict with other apps.

I love this EVO though.. I just wish they would make it easy to turn off all that crap that runs all the time. Why they want to waste process power and kill the battery so fast makes NO SENSE WHATSOEVER to me. I wish whoever programs this phone would UNDERSTAND that it's MY phone and let me use it MY way.
rooted, running apex 1.4.1, gingerbread(red) theme, overclocked via Jrummy's OC app (profiled based on battery, temp, screen conditions). I've noticed that when I am streaming Pandora no matter how stable or full my coverage is, even if I'm sitting still in an area that I know has full on 3g coverage and my wife's phone has full 3g right next to me, my connection will switch to 1x sporadically. Anyone else seen or heard of issues like this. Only happens when i'm running Pandora.