

New Member
Jan 12, 2011
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My droid seema to over heat (bottom) everytime, I surf the net (3g) for extended period if time. Is there a way to stop this? Gets to about 104°F.

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104 degrees isn't a big deal, you could easily push the phone to 120 or above. Not recommended to have the battery get hotter than that.
Are you overclocked? My X used to get around 110F. I just lowered it to "Low voltage" and now I've never seen it above 97F.
Yeah im rooted n overclocked. I thought maybe I to many processes running in the background/hidden/secondary etc. I tried to cut some of thoae down n now my phone seems to be running slower than before. Why would low overclock stop the phone from overheating?

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Mine reached 105 yesterday, but I have a profile set to set turn it back to stock settings when it reaches greater than 104.
Still, I killed some apps that were running and turned the brightness down. Immediately afterward it dropped down to 98, I think.