Outlook Calendar Sync


New Member
Nov 18, 2010
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Hey Guys,

I'm new to the Droid world and loving it so far. I've already have my emails synced to my corporate outlook. However, my calendar isn't syncing. I quickly did a search and read a discussion that most people are using google calendar sync to get their outlook calendar to their droid. Is this still the most popular thing to do? Or is there something else? Thanks!
I have the same issue with my phone. I came from the world of IPhone where I just sync my work Outlook Calendar to the phone and I am totally mobile. That is my biggest complaint with the Droid; it won't sync.

I did go through Google Calendar and got my phone to sync once with my work Outlook. Then the system at work shut down Google sync and i can't get it to do it again. Tried re-installing Google Calendar but nothing.

So, I either re-enter all my appointments in my Droid, or carry my IPhone as a PDA. Not fun.
I'm having the same issue issue trying to sync the Droid X with Outlook 2007.
I bought Missing Sync for $40. (which has mixed reviews)
It will sync the calendar but not the contacts. Once it started a sync with the contacts and locked up in the middle.
I have sent in 4 service tickets to Missing Sync and haven't had anything other than the "auto reply". I continue to get "communication errors"
Any solutions would be appreciated.
[email protected]
Outlook sync w/Missing Sync software

This is an update to my previous post about not being able to sync Outlook 2007 with a Droid X.

The Missing Sync company has not been any help. It takes 4 days to get any kind of response if you can get one.

Mine started working when I cleard the "history" from the PC and left the SD card mounted (instructions say to unmount).

I don't know if this had anything to do with it or not but it started to sync and worked fine after I did this.

I haven't had a problem syncing my Droid Pro with my Corporate Exchange Calendar....seems to be working fine as was the case on my original Droid...
My calandar and contacts sync with outlook on my Droid 2 but the "push" seems to be working when it wants to. I do have the push box checked in settings and the 15 min sync box checked. Sometimes I'll go 4 hrs before an e-mail comes through. It works if I manually sync. It was working fine until recently. DOH!
My calandar and contacts sync with outlook on my Droid 2 but the "push" seems to be working when it wants to. I do have the push box checked in settings and the 15 min sync box checked. Sometimes I'll go 4 hrs before an e-mail comes through. It works if I manually sync. It was working fine until recently. DOH!

yes the email push seems to be pretty inconsistent...I'm having similar issues...

this morning I wasn't getting anything..was having to open the email app to get new mail...this afternoon every email is getting pushed immediately...crazy..

there is a thread over on the Motorola forums that details this...sounds like most every Droid Pro and Droid2 user is having the same push issues...
Calendar Sync works from Outlook to Droid not other way, mail works

I am having a similar problem. My company is running Outlook on an Exchange server. I finally got my phone to sync to it and it downloaded all my email, contacts, and calendar. Now the Droid Calendar will get appointments that I put on my computer but not the other way around - my computer will not get appointments I put on my Droid. My mail syncs both ways instantly.

Outlook Calendar-->Droid Calendar works. :)
Droid Calendar -->Outlook Calendar Does not work.:icon_evil:

Maybe there is a setting I have to change or something. Suggestions would be REALLY appreciated.
I am having a similar problem. My company is running Outlook on an Exchange server. I finally got my phone to sync to it and it downloaded all my email, contacts, and calendar. Now the Droid Calendar will get appointments that I put on my computer but not the other way around - my computer will not get appointments I put on my Droid. My mail syncs both ways instantly.

Outlook Calendar-->Droid Calendar works. :)
Droid Calendar -->Outlook Calendar Does not work.:icon_evil:

Maybe there is a setting I have to change or something. Suggestions would be REALLY appreciated.

Okay, thought I had a similar problem as you, but realized I was looking at a Google calendar entry and naturally is not going to show up on my Exchange calendar...

I'm sure you've already done this, but make sure when you create your calendar entry on your Pro that the drop down at the top of the Create Event page is set to your Exchange calendar, not Google or any other account....
Calendar and Email Syncing Issues

I was also experiencing problems getting Outlook to sync with our corporate exchange server. The initial problem was with email. What I found was the the user had thousands of emails in his inbox. The Droid (or Verizon) was overwhelmed and therefore displayed nothing. After we cleaned up the users inbox the email starting coming in. We had the same problem with the Calendar. We had to turn on Autoarchive to clear out all the old calendar items. Even though we had the Droid set to only display the most current week it was trying to read through the whole file to find the ones that met that criteria. We ran autoarchive and kept the most recent 12 months and it started working. I did not have to setup a Google account or use Google Sync. Email, Calendar and Contacts are all syncing wirelessly now with my corporate Exchange server.
if you are like me and you work wont allow you to synch your phone to outlook you can use this google supplied program to synch you calendar! works perfect for me!