OTA Won't Install For Me.


Jan 25, 2010
Reaction score
I'm rooted and originally de-crapped my phone which kept the first update from installing. However, with some help from posters here I was able to find the missing file, get it properly replaced and the update then worked.

I assumed that would mean I would be good from then on and kept everything intact. Now the latest update is out and I once again cannot update but it's been long enough that I'm now not sure about the process for getting this working.

Any help would be appreciated.
I'm rooted and originally de-crapped my phone which kept the first update from installing. However, with some help from posters here I was able to find the missing file, get it properly replaced and the update then worked.

I assumed that would mean I would be good from then on and kept everything intact. Now the latest update is out and I once again cannot update but it's been long enough that I'm now not sure about the process for getting this working.

Any help would be appreciated.

Nuke and pave

Sent from my DROID RAZR using DroidForums
I'm rooted and originally de-crapped my phone which kept the first update from installing. However, with some help from posters here I was able to find the missing file, get it properly replaced and the update then worked.

I assumed that would mean I would be good from then on and kept everything intact. Now the latest update is out and I once again cannot update but it's been long enough that I'm now not sure about the process for getting this working.

Any help would be appreciated.

Flash Fastboot to .744, Root and install Voodoo OTA Rootkeeper, protect root, OTA update to .748, then OTA update to .173, then restore root. Otherwise you may have further problems down the road.

Here are instructions with all the links to the supporting files such as the Moto drivers, RSD Lite, and the Fastboot file. [Download] DROID RAZR Fastboot Files, with flashing instructions

Installing 6.12.173.xt912 [Guide] - DroidRzr.com will give you information on rolling back if you want from .173 back to .748 and then you can root, OTA protect, and OTA update as an alternative, but I don't know if that will fix the issues completely given that you had deleted files.
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