On to my third droid 3


New Member
Jul 9, 2011
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I got my droid in August. BY Sept I was in Verizon because I couldn't ge t WIFI to work. They sent me a refurb. Now the sound on My 2nd Droid is crappy (Tinny) and very muffled. Verizon is sending me my third. I hope this is not a trend. I wonder if this keeps happening if they will let me change to another phone.
Generally I like this phone. I like having the choice of using the key pad or the touch screen. Is anyone else having difficulties?
I actually exchanged my Droid X2 for a Droid 3 back in early November and it's been smooth sailing ever since.

To answer your question though: YES Verizon will allow you to exchange your phone with a different model if you voice your displeasure. Call them, be polite and civil but voice your frustration. Mention the fact that this is your third phone and you no longer want a Droid 3, but a different model. They should give you a list of phones that you can choose from.

Don't expect to get a Razr, Nexus, or Bionic from them though. They keep the phones you are allowed to exchange for around the same specs and pricepoint of your phone that your trying to get rid of, so expect to get a Droid Incredible 2, LG Revolution, or Droid X2.
Get another Droid 3 and keep getting them until they give you a good one. I'm on my 4th.

First one returned for a pixel that wouldn't turn black.

Second one had a dozen or more of those pixels. I couldn't believe it but I kept the phone as it turned out to be easy to ignore the pixel problem and my 15 days were up. After 4 months or so the WIFI wouldn't toggle on so I returned it.

Third one was garbage out of the box. Pixels were perfect but the top half inch of the screen was not touch sensitive so it had to be returned.

Fourth one works like a charm.

Have some patience and return them under warranty as needed. By the way, for the record I had my original Droid for over a year and never had to return it. I don't like to return things. I only say this because people come off as crazy if they say they're on their 4th+ Droid. They've sent me some lemons but I'm happy now.
Hmmm... i'm on my first d3, and it's been absolutely flawless (hardwarewise anyway...). I guess i've just been lucky. But not with the phone that this d3 replaced (d2g, i had two of them). I had bad digitizers on both phones, the column between home and back was either nonresponsive or had a mind of its own.