Last night I installed a custom ROM on my droid without doing a backup(dumb me). Anyway, today I've been going through and installing a lot of the apps I used to have but cant seem to find the NYTimes app that I used quite a bit. Anyone have any idea if they removed it for good? Or perhaps someplace I could download the apk? Thanks a lot.
Yes. That's very unsettling, when you install a ROM and suddenly can't find the apps you're used to seeing in the Market. The same thing happened to me: I became entirely impatient with Verizon's Froyo roll-out and decided to root my phone (using Easy Root -- fabulously easy to use, good job!) and Clockwork's Rom Manager (fabulously easy to use -- once again, good job!). I ended up using a "stock" Froyo FRG22 that I picked up from a link up here.
All was working without a hitch, or so I thought, but then I discovered that I couldn't find the New York Times app in the marketplace, along with several others that are discussed up here on the web, most notably the Skype app.
There are links dating back to June of 2010 to a "Market Fix," and I used Rom Manager to install that. Although that worked -- I was able to see the apps in the market that had been previously missing, I wasn't happy, that the Froyo build seemed like an interim issue. (Sorry, I forgot to write down the information as reported in the Build Number field in Android's settings screen).
Somewhere along the line, I decided to install the FRG01B ROM that Clockwork's ROM Manager makes available, and that seems to solve all my problems. I can find New York Times in my apps market, along with Skype, and the build is the one which seems to be currently pushed by Verizon. The only glitch was Swype, and that was fixed by uninstalling the program and then reinstalling using the Swype Installer that I kept on my phone (I'll gladly flesh that out, although it's been much discussed on this board and on the web, so that's probably unnecessary).
So -- the fix I'm suggesting is to flash the FRG01B that you'll find on ROM manager. My hunch is that this is the same code which Verizon pushed in the recent upgrade, although I'd be interested to hear from anyone who's found differences between the "official" version and this one.