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Now VZW has seriously peeved me off....


Silver Member
So I had some issues with my Droid 2. I called VZW and they, as always, were very happy....and fast to send me a replacement....but that is where my good times end. They sent me a D2G....ugh....

Make it worse....they wont send me a Droid 2 as they said "that was a complimentary upgrade but you are still eligible to upgrade devices.....I had to stop myself from saying "but there aren't any ROM's for this phone....I can't even run the Gingerbread leak"

In addition they didn't even send the SIM card. And lastly.....I loaded the phone....rooted it (duh) and it fried my SIM on the reboot.:icon_ banana:

Guess what I am doing tomorrow?
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Well called back today and voiced my frusterations. The supervisor was very thurough in reading through all my notes and all. Was rather apologetic as well with the loss of the data and pics on the sd card that this D2G fried as well....nice for a change.

After some work on his side he was able to approve sending me out a Droid X. :)

So I will get to play with the X and figure out if I want the X2 or if I am still holding out for the D3.

Sure would have been easier if they just sent me another Droid 2. Problem is I have another D2G showing up on Tuesday to replace this one.

Can I just refuse delivery?

Sent from my DROID2 GLOBAL using DroidForums
Welcome to the DX world man, at least you can load up Roms again.

I resent that, there are roms for d2g (mine, Fenom, andFission are aosp). Also, d2/dx roms work as well. The only thing we dont have that d2/dx users have is GB....

Regardless, sorry for your loss. That happened when my mom put her BB Storm card into her d2g =/

Sent from an Angelic D2G
If it's coming as a warranty replacement, then yes, refuse. :)

Sent from my SCH-I500 using DroidForums

Thank you

Welcome to the DX world man, at least you can load up Roms again.

I am seeing this as a good test run to figure out if I want the DX2

So my issues are not done. During all of this I had to use Asurion to replace my wife's D1....they sent out a D2. I rooted it, OC'd it, froze bloatware....and rebooted...all was well. Then the menu hardkey stopped working. Now I can't run a TiBu to restore from with her new apps.....I guess it is no biggie but they are saying they are out of D2's now and have D2G's as their only option.....unless we took the CPO D2....so we did. Take the CPO D2 that is.
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Now this is really getting me going. I am sorry for you guys that are reading my rants here but I am getting very frustrated with VZW.

Here is my deal with VZW. I believe they probably have the very best network out there. In addition I believe that their customer service is awesome....very friendly, understanding, and try to be as helpful as they can. BUT....sometimes there seriously irk me with some things.

For instance tonight I find myself seriously steaming.....let me explain

I just got a D2G as a warranty replacement from VZW and I hate it. Honestly.....I am so pissed with this phone I am about to dig out my D1 and activate it. Let me explain why.....

I received the phone (didn't know it was going to be a D2G....was just expecting a replacement D2).....inserted SD Card, inserted extended life battery and booted. Upon boot I see an error "No SIM card." (we will get to this later)..anyway called and did the activation part, set up email and all that. Rooted phone, rebooted....fried my SD...kept saying no sd or blank sd. Only options were mount and format and neither worked.

At this point I thought to myself...."I have had this SD since my OG Droid....it's like 2 years old or something....guess that's about right" so I thought nothing of it installed a new 16G and carried on with my day.

4pm 85% charge

All is well.....I used Tibu and replaced all my apps (thank god I back up my SD's to my PC) after using Google to replace all my paid apps and Amazon for those. I call VZW (430pm) and ask about why I have a D2G and what's up with the SIM card thing....they say they are out of D2's and sent a "comparable model" instead....they also say they are sending out an SIM card for me....apologized for the "mistake".

6pm found my battery at 35%.

730p....phone rebooted in my pocket. When it finally loaded it immediately pissed me off. "NO sd card or blank sd card" and battery was at 10%....that makes 2 cards.

Called VZW in the morning and I was livid. The rep was very nice and immediately passed me on to a supervisor who apologized several times....gave me SCAN Disks contact info (because the SD cards are under 12 month manufacturer warranty). At least I can get one replaced and thank god I didn't put my 32G in there.

What really made me mad with my call to VZW was the first time I called the rep was like "well I can only send out another D2G....I can't send out a different phone" when I asked him to check with a supervisor he said "he is going to say the same thing....we are not allowed to do this....we can only send out the same model phone unless we are out in that case we send out a comparable model".

I just couldn't handle them sending me another D2G.....I called back and immediately asked for the supervisor...got him on the phone....vented....and he listened to me go....then sounding very understanding said "I am going to fix this....looking back at your history with VZW shows an unacceptable track record and I want to show you that VZW is better than this" and you know what.....he did. I know it doesn't sound like much by allowing the DX to be sent out but he is knowingly sending this phone out so I can play with it and figure out if I want the X2 as my next device.

So.....I still have this blasted D2G and it is draining my battery like a champ. I honestly feel there is something wrong with this particular phone and not the model as a whole....mostly because I don't read post after post about horrible battery life on the D2G. But I have had the worst experience ever with a phone and that phone was the D2G.

I can honestly say I have never had a complaint against VZW's service nor customer service....only their devices. I know I have read several of posts trying to indicate that the reason I have been through so many phones is by my doing...but I assure it you it isn't. My opinion is their CPO program sucks.

I swear.....I believe that every CPO that I have received most likely failed in the same exact way it did when the original owner had it and returned it. If your haptic feedback broke and you sent your phone in....when they "repaired" it and sent it back out it probably broke on the new owner too....at least that is what is seems like to me.

I did a count and I have now had 19 phones from VZW since Dec of 2007. Out of that 19 only 4 were new. The other 15 were CPO POS's from VZW.
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So.....I still have this blasted D2G and it is draining my battery like a champ. I honestly feel there is something wrong with this particular phone and not the model as a whole....mostly because I don't read post after post about horrible battery life on the D2G. But I have had the worst experience ever with a phone and that phone was the D2G.

They have TERRIBLE battery life on stock. Thats part of why I started on my aosp rom.... An example of how much better it is, im at almost 23 hrs with 15% left with stock battery.

About the SD cards, were they blank? It friend my moms 8gb from her BB Storm but when i put my 2gb in after formatting it was fine (was testing that) so it seems that it doesnt like anything being on the card already.

The "no sim" is because they dont ship sim cards with CLN phones because they (wrongfully most of the time) assume you already have one from the previous d2g.

Wish you would have given the d2g a shot, its a great phone if you dont get a lemon.
yeah maybe. I know my experiences is what made me decide to get a certified pre-owned D2 for my wife's D2 replacement from Asurion rather than a brand new D2G
If it has issues then maybe we give the G another shot.....well.....she can. I have always judged things by first impression which makes this phone a no go.
They have TERRIBLE battery life on stock. Thats part of why I started on my aosp rom....

I'd install one of those apps to determine what is draining the battery/cpu, and see if a change to the default configuration can save battery life.
Too frequent background data polling?
Screen too bright?
A battery-draining app that starts on boot that will stop stop for good if killed? (I know, a lot of those apps will just auto-restart if killed, but some won't).
Too much animation/vibration?

Sent from my unrooted DroidX using DroidForums app
Sounds like you are taking advantage of Verizon's CLNR (Certified Like New Replacement) program to me. First, a rooted phone automatically voids the manufacture warranty. Luckily for you they don't check the phones that closely, or you would have a few retail cost charges on your account. However, they are getting more and more strict about replacing phones because of people taking advantage of the system. Asurion, on the other hand, may allow for this, but asurion is a garbage company as a whole.

Sent from my ADR6400L using DroidForums
I do not agree with you Droid11....not at all. I have had a large number of replacements no doubt but I will have you know that the my Droid 2 was the very first rooted device I had....that was after 12 other phones that I had including 4 Droid 1's. I didn't root my Droid 1 until it was way out of warranty and was handed down to my wife.

When that phone was replace it was via Asurion and due to the phone being stolen.

As for the change out of phones. Why am I "taking advantage"? Is it because I refuse to take a D2G to replace my D2? This phone sux dude.....I don't want it. AT ALL. I would seriously rather activate ANY other phone in my possession.....Env Touch, Voyager....shoot even my Venus. I CANNOT deal with a phone that can't even last 10 hours on a charge.....on an extended battery no less.

As mentioned it was the supervisor who offered me the DX after we were speaking of the potential upgrades he was offering. It all came up AFTER he mentioned a few phones and me saying I am holding out for the D3 but find myself interested in the DX2....I just don't know if I can do without the physical keyboard or not. It was then that he offered the DX. Up until that point I was looking at another D2 and asking repeatedly to just get another D2.

Maybe I didn't make this clear but all I was in this for was to replace my D2 that started tripping out. Another D2 and this thread would have never happened. I didn't ask for the D2G and don't want it now even after having it.
I apologize, at first you seemed to be one of the whiny customers who was just trying to play the system. I haven't dealt with the d2g much at all, and didn't realize how bad it does suck. Looks like the global radio and overclocked to 1.2ghz processor made it sort of a lemon. Today I had a customer with the exact issue you mentioned, and I instantly inserted foot into mouth. I still don't understand how you've had so many replacements in such a short time, though looks like you just had unfortunate luck with phones.

Sent from my ADR6400L using DroidForums