

Aug 30, 2011
Reaction score
Can't get a notification sound to play for my gmail..?

Sent from my DROID X2 using DroidForums
Well. I had it set for a default tone but it would play a mp3 from my files that had never been set. I deleted that song and tried to default it again only for no sound. My text and outside email account works fine it only my gmail that does not /c:

Sent from my DROID X2 using DroidForums
I have always (with Droid 1 before my X2) had custom ringtone files that I have typically kept on my SD card. With the X2 I had a lot of problems with them staying intact. I found that if I moved files to or from either SD Card, it would remove the sound files from the app they were applied to. My alarm clock sound kept changing. Try setting it to one of the internal stock ringtones and see if that stops it. Or put your custom ringtone file in the System/media/audio folder.
Thanks for help ... it didn't work though.

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Im using golauncher ex other than that everything is stock

Sent from my DROID X2 using DroidForums
Ok weird! I linked my phone into the pc to copy some music to my pc folder after unplugging it one of my notification sounds is playing for my gmail now. Totally confused by this lol thanks for your help

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