I tried searching for this answer but didn't find my exact situation. I've only had my G3 for two weeks, and it was fine until about 3 days ago, at which time, none of my notifications are clearing for email or texting. Not the indicator lights, but the little numbers on the email or messaging icons.
I can send the icons to the trash and put new ones on, but that only clears it until i get a new message.
Some of my games seem to have suddenly gotten a little bit glitchy too. It's probably not related, but the timing is the same.
I know an update got sent to me around that same time, but I didn't read what it said and allowed it.
Any ideas? I've done battery pulls, reboots, etc.
I can send the icons to the trash and put new ones on, but that only clears it until i get a new message.
Some of my games seem to have suddenly gotten a little bit glitchy too. It's probably not related, but the timing is the same.
I know an update got sent to me around that same time, but I didn't read what it said and allowed it.
Any ideas? I've done battery pulls, reboots, etc.