Note 4 camera test


Oct 22, 2011
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Beer Tent Capital of The World
Current Phone Model
Note 8
Can those of you with the Note 4 do me a quick favor. Take a picture of you palm about 5" away from the camera lense.

My close up pics always struggle with focus. It will focus to a great view for a second then refocus and settle on a horrible blurry image.

Note 4tified
I've noticed the same issue. I don't take a lot of close up pictures, but I had a heck of a time the other day trying to get it to focus on something small to get the detail.

As per your request, here's one around 5 inches, then I moved my hand away several more inches.


This is what I get.


When it is doing its auto focus there are times it looks SUPERB but this is how it settles.

Other times I can get decent results this is multiple attempts. But has good definition..


Now this one took 10 or 12 times of tapping the screen and moving the phone. I deleted the horrible blurred ones but they were so bad you could not read any of the print. I takes tons of photos like this every week so it's important they come out good. This has been an issue since day 1 but I thought it was just the phone until someone else had one today and I was using it and it focused right to perfection almost instantly.


I want to see others results before I request a new/refurb from vzw.

Note 4tified
You have to go into your camera settings, turn off HDR and change your metering mode to spot or matrix. Then tap the screen where you want the focus to be focused and viola!, you're good to go!
(It's been this way on all Galaxy devices from the beginning....close up shots in regular metering mode come out like caca, unless you change this setting)
You have to go into your camera settings, turn off HDR and change your metering mode to spot or matrix. Then tap the screen where you want the focus to be focused and viola!, you're good to go!
I've tried all that with no change. Even selective focus doesn't help. Even with those settings when I tap the screen it focuses to super clear and detailed then settles on a blurry mess.

Note 4tified
Well crap.....That's a bummer....It's always worked for me this way. Sorry bud, that's all I got.
I'm going to take it into the VZW store tomorrow and have them see for themselves unless I can confirm here from more photos that it is my phone.

Verizon was supposed to replace it a couple weeks ago but it got mixed up or back ordered or never went through.

Note 4tified
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You have to go into your camera settings, turn off HDR and change your metering mode to spot or matrix. Then tap the screen where you want the focus to be focused and viola!, you're good to go!
(It's been this way on all Galaxy devices from the beginning....close up shots in regular metering mode come out like caca, unless you change this setting)

Your method

I moved my hand a little when it went out of focus to where it was back in focus. It went to fixed focus and I moved my hand until clear and sharp

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Beast Mode 4

Your method

I moved my hand a little when it went out of focus to where it was back in focus. It went to fixed focus and I moved my hand until clear and sharp

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Beast Mode 4
That's awesome that you can still change the metering mode with HDR on. On my S5 I have to turn it off for the metering modes to be available. They changed the HDR feature to "always on" (if you want it) with the S5, but some options (like metering) are inactive. Obviously with the Note 4 they went a step further and gave you both, so that's great.
This photo is with it turned on, flash off on auto.

And this is with HDR off with metering mode set to matrix.
Not much difference in this particular shot, but with most close ups it makes a big difference.

Definitely worth getting a replacement Miller. Especially since you use your camera a lot for work.
Isn't this a common defect on the Note 4?