Not in Kansas anymore...

Jonny Kansas

Staff member
Rescue Squad
Jan 21, 2010
Reaction score
Michigan's Upper Peninsula
Current Phone Model
Pixel XL
Well...Safe to say I'm not a NEW member...But I never did this, so here it goes.

My name is Jon. I was born and raised in Kansas, but visited Michigan's Upper Peninsula [The U.P.] every year growing up because my mom is from the area.

I was laid-off from the aircraft industry in February, and my grandpa wasn't doing well this summer, so I made the decision to move to the U.P. to help my grandma take care of him. He passed in November, but helping out with him made me realize how much I enjoy helping others, especially those who've done so much to pave the way for young punks like myself, so I took a course to become a Certified Nurse Assistant [CNA], and am now employed at an Assisted Living center 5 minutes from where I live.

My experience with Android: I bought T-mobile's G1 shortly after it first came out, and fell in love with the OS. The phone wasn't QUITE what I imagined, but it served me just fine until I moved here where T-mobile doesn't offer service.

As well as not wanting to roam endlessly on AT&T, I wanted a local number to make finding a job easier and so grandma didn't have to call long distance.

I signed up with Alltel and used an LG Triton for a few months, and missed my little Android like no one's business. I don't watch much TV, so didn't realize that the Droid ran Android, and Verizon wasn't available up here until the switch.

I live with 2 of my cousins next door to grandma, and we decided it'd be easiest for them to join my plan since we already split bills.

I wasn't going to get a new phone until the rep brought out another employee's Droid. As soon as I saw the Android lock-screen, I knew I had to have it.

The rest, is history.

This is getting pretty long-winded, so thanks if you've read at least half of it. Just wanted to let people know that I'm coming from a bit of Android experience [as opposed to others who're having their first experience with it on the Droid] and look forward to helping newer users out!

As well, I'm currently learning more about Java, and hope to someday try my hand at developing Android apps.

I've found a LOT of useful info on this forum, and do my best to help answer questions I've already seen the answer to. I hope my words help any of you

I work midnights, and so I've been up since yesterday evening, so maybe a better title for this post would be "Self-indulgence..." Haha!
well i'm 227 posts late, but welcome anyway.. ;)
well i'm 227 posts late, but welcome anyway.. ;)

Not your fault at all...I got sucked into the "2.1 waiting area" after doing a search to try to find out what was up and haven't been able to pull away since.

This is a great forum you've got here, so I figured I'd formally introduce myself since I've been all over it in the last few weeks!
Hate to get sappy, but you've made some very, very good life choices recently "young Jon". You are to be commended. Life throws many tough situations at people and instead of doing like many and becoming bitter and defeated, you've moved forward with gusto. You, my friend, are a Patriot. :)
Hate to get sappy, but you've made some very, very good life choices recently "young Jon". You are to be commended. Life throws many tough situations at people and instead of doing like many and becoming bitter and defeated, you've moved forward with gusto. You, my friend, are a Patriot. :)

Well thanks! I didn't know you could be a Patriot while living so close to Canada...Haha!

And thanks for reminding me that I haven't been fly-fishing in years...My dad showed me the ropes, and then we stopped going for whatever reason, but I enjoyed it much more than using a bobber...
Where in Kansas are you from, may I ask? I was born, and raised in Manhattan.
Where in Kansas are you from, may I ask? I was born, and raised in Manhattan.

MHS Grad, posting from Manhattan right now.

Three people in my office have bought Droids since I brought mine in.

I live with 2 of my cousins right now, and one of them had to get a Droid as well. He's not NEAR as hooked as I am though...
Well...Safe to say I'm not a NEW member...But I never did this, so here it goes.

My name is Jon. I was born and raised in Kansas, but visited Michigan's Upper Peninsula [The U.P.] every year growing up because my mom is from the area.

I was laid-off from the aircraft industry in February, and my grandpa wasn't doing well this summer, so I made the decision to move to the U.P. to help my grandma take care of him. He passed in November, but helping out with him made me realize how much I enjoy helping others, especially those who've done so much to pave the way for young punks like myself, so I took a course to become a Certified Nurse Assistant [CNA], and am now employed at an Assisted Living center 5 minutes from where I live.

My experience with Android: I bought T-mobile's G1 shortly after it first came out, and fell in love with the OS. The phone wasn't QUITE what I imagined, but it served me just fine until I moved here where T-mobile doesn't offer service.

As well as not wanting to roam endlessly on AT&T, I wanted a local number to make finding a job easier and so grandma didn't have to call long distance.

I signed up with Alltel and used an LG Triton for a few months, and missed my little Android like no one's business. I don't watch much TV, so didn't realize that the Droid ran Android, and Verizon wasn't available up here until the switch.

I live with 2 of my cousins next door to grandma, and we decided it'd be easiest for them to join my plan since we already split bills.

I wasn't going to get a new phone until the rep brought out another employee's Droid. As soon as I saw the Android lock-screen, I knew I had to have it.

The rest, is history.

This is getting pretty long-winded, so thanks if you've read at least half of it. Just wanted to let people know that I'm coming from a bit of Android experience [as opposed to others who're having their first experience with it on the Droid] and look forward to helping newer users out!

As well, I'm currently learning more about Java, and hope to someday try my hand at developing Android apps.

I've found a LOT of useful info on this forum, and do my best to help answer questions I've already seen the answer to. I hope my words help any of you

I work midnights, and so I've been up since yesterday evening, so maybe a better title for this post would be "Self-indulgence..." Haha!

High John. My name is Mike and I grew up in the UP (Houghton) to be exact. I now live in a much warmer and the not so snowy part of Texas.
High John. My name is Mike and I grew up in the UP (Houghton) to be exact. I now live in a much warmer and the not so snowy part of Texas.

Haha! It appears we went in opposite directions! I'm in the Escanaba/Gladstone area...Out in the woods somewhere. :)