Hello Everyone!


New Member
Dec 18, 2009
Reaction score
Waukesha, WI
Hello, and thanks for letting me join the community. I'm a programmer and a phone addict so I'm finally hoping to be able to mash the two together and write some Android apps.

I'm a convert to the Moto Droid from a Nokia E71. I love the E71. It did everything I needed very well except stay connected to the AT&T network. Thus, I only dropped it because of the sub-par AT&T service. Prior to getting my E71 I wanted the G1 but we still don't have full 3G on T-Mo here in Milwaukee. So I ended finding the E71 while I waited for an Android device, and ended up falling in love with S60. So now I have come full circle to the OS I originally wanted well over a year ago.

I decided to join the community to get some questions answered and to give back to others who need assistance. What I am most interested in now is battery life. I came to the Droid from, hands down, the smart phone with the best battery life to date. The E71 is nothing but screen, keyboard, and battery. In my first week with the Droid it has been draining on me (and the battery) trying to figure out how to use the new phone like I did my old one.

So here's to the Android community and to helping make Android work well for everyone's unique needs.

Welcome to the Madness :icon_ devil:
:icon_ banana: Welcome to DroidForums "s3v3n0ut" :icon_ banana:

We are looking forward to seeing your Programing Efforts !!! It's always great to be able to Welcome Programmers like you to DroidForums :p

I am sure you are going to become and Asset to the Droid Community !!!

We hope you enjoy your time here :icon_ devil: