We just activated our Droid Bionics last night and no network connection. Called Verizon and ended up with Tech Support who seemed to know nothing about what the issue is even after speaking with his Supervisor several times. In fact, he advised us to wait overnight and see if the 3G (not 4G in our area yet) would appear since he could not see that our SIM cards had transferred from the Samsung Charge to the Droid Bionic. Well, after waiting several hours, I started searching and found to change to CMDA from the CMDA/LTE. When I did that, it still did nothing but once I changed the CMDA roaming mode simply from B to A and back to B again the 3G appears and the phone appears to work fine.
I'm just concerned after reading everything that there is a problem with the phone and we should request replacements. We experienced such a horrible time with the Samsung Charge that I am concerned about keeping the Bionics even a couple of days without replacing. It is my understanding that this is not an issue with every Droid Bionic but just some and not even central to a specific area after reading lots of forums.
........wishing I was on the beach instead of worrying with another Verizon phone issue.....
I'm just concerned after reading everything that there is a problem with the phone and we should request replacements. We experienced such a horrible time with the Samsung Charge that I am concerned about keeping the Bionics even a couple of days without replacing. It is my understanding that this is not an issue with every Droid Bionic but just some and not even central to a specific area after reading lots of forums.
........wishing I was on the beach instead of worrying with another Verizon phone issue.....