

Oct 10, 2011
Reaction score
Tired of losing 3g n area that only has 3g not stable at all, verizon get ur network rite
Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using DroidForums
I bet it would be frustrating if that happens to me. I lucked out on this one. The nexus reception weird as hell. Some have issue some don't. My reception compare to my wife resound suck but compare to other nexus it pretty good. Example my wife and I sat next to each other, her rezound show 2 bar 4g , my nexus show 1 bar 3g. its not 1 bar 4g but 3g. i was like wth? oh well.

Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using DroidForums
the newer radios are helping out guys. i went from my thunderbolt where i used to get 2 bars of 4g at work, to my nexus, where i got 2 bars 3g, then upgraded the radio to 4.0.3 radio and got 3 bars of 3g and sometimes switched to 0 bars 4g (still pulled data), then went to the 4.0.4 radios and i am getting 1-2 bars 4g with no drops to 3g. give the phone some time, first LTE phone with ICS, it is bound to have some issues.
Try a newer radio.

I've had no problems with signal other than the outages with my launch day nexus