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Ok thanks. But it says 8 colors to choose from, however I only see 4 actual colors. Pink, blue, red, and white. Am I missing something? I really want the yellow on because it would go great with my Pittsburgh Steelers wallpaper.
Only 4 colors were done. I'm also interested in one of the colors that wasn't ported. Squidly's a busy guy so I'm guessing he started with the 4 most popular colors. Hopefully he can chime in soon.
i play the field when using roms for my phone but i always go back to squidly since i like the smoothness and options btw there is a talanted theme maker porting themes for us i will post a link to his updated them when he finishes in a new thread. I just hope he doesn't give up on us so soon but i'm sure once its not tucked in another thread it will be noticed then i know there is a demand for themes on our rom.
I want to get it done this weekend along with a couple more im away right now with work but ill be back friday sorry I didn't get it done sooner I appreciate your patience.
your rom is the best rom out designed for the droid2 and now with themes being ported by mikeyinid and you it will continue to reign the d2 scene. i knew if there was more theme options more people would be flocking over to the rom. Big ups to you and mikeyinid for giving us squidly owners more themes which to me are fresh coats of paint for our phones.
I want to get it done this weekend along with a couple more im away right now with work but ill be back friday sorry I didn't get it done sooner I appreciate your patience.
No worries. I hope my anticipation & excitement for what's to come doesn't come off as impatience. I appreciate everything you've done thus far. I just wish I had more knowledge on this stuff so I could be more involved.