Newbie Question: Motorola vs HTC Incredible


May 14, 2010
Reaction score
Orange County, CA
My wife and I are looking to upgrade and dump our blackberries.

Our question is, is the HTC Incredible worth $199 or is the Motorola the better deal since its only $19 via a wirefly deal?

The incredible is getting tons of great reviews and also lots of complaints, mainly about battery and reception.

We are currently using a BB curve and BB Storm 1.0, so anything this century is an upgrade for us.

Thank you.
I switched from an iPhone to the Moto Droid. No regrets. For me the Droid is perfect!

My wife and I are looking to upgrade and dump our blackberries.

Our question is, is the HTC Incredible worth $199 or is the Motorola the better deal since its only $19 via a wirefly deal?

The incredible is getting tons of great reviews and also lots of complaints, mainly about battery and reception.

We are currently using a BB curve and BB Storm 1.0, so anything this century is an upgrade for us.

Thank you.

If you're using Blackberry then you might as well just pick up the Droid and save yourself some big bucks. Droid smokes the Storm, I had both the Storm one and Storm 2. You'll think Blackberry is at least 10 years behind in technology.

And :welcome: to the Forum. :)
The better deal to me would be the Droid cuz its ridiculously cheap. I paid $199 for the Droid and it was worth it to me. (I wish I woulda waited now...LOL) But if its about the price, get the Droid.
There is a lot of 'discussion' about the better, but I can say that even after reading about 50 posts that argue the positive and negative aspects of each, I have the Moto Droid, and I'm happy that it was my choice.

[BTW, technology is screaming now, and marketing is right there also. So, you know the word is that the "Droid 2" will smoke everything runnin'? So what are you going to do when 2 months after you get your BRAND NEW PHONE/DEVICE Moto unleashes its new Droid 2, HTC opens up its new OVERWHELM 3, and BB starts selling its ULTRA-BOLD TOUR 11,000K?]

The external KB on the Moto is something I do not use often, but when I want it, its there. And, I think the update (Android 2.2) that folks here are discussing, will allow the Moto Droid to remain competitive.

Good luck. You've come to the right place. Welcome to the forum!
I come from Blackberry and I have the Droid as does my husband. We just recently purchased the Incredible for our daughter. While playing with hers there were some pros and cons. The biggest difference is that the Incredible does not have a physical keyboard (not a deal breaker for me as I do not like the Droid's keyboard). I also like the substantial feeling of the Droid. The whole time I was holding the Incredible I was thinking "oh god it I put this in my purse or pocket I will break it for sure". I also have my droid rooted and like the customizations I can do to it. I know that at some point the Incredible will be rooted but I understand that HTC has made it real difficult to get it rooted so it may be a while.

It really boils down to personal preference. I would suggest holding both and touching the screens and see what you think. I am sure that one or the other will just give you that feeling.

Hope this helps.
there is a lot of 'discussion' about the better, but i can say that even after reading about 50 posts that argue the positive and negative aspects of each, i have the moto droid, and i'm happy that it was my choice.

[Btw, technology is screaming now, and marketing is right there also. So, you know the word is that the "Droid 2" will smoke everything runnin'? So what are you going to do when 2 months after you get your brand new phone/device moto unleashes its new droid 2, htc opens up its new Overwhelm 3, and BB starts selling its Ultra-Bold tour 11,000k?]

the external kb on the moto is something i do not use often, but when i want it, its there. And, i think the update (android 2.2) that folks here are discussing, will allow the moto droid to remain competitive.

Good luck. You've come to the right place. Welcome to the forum!
