I have a Droid X that runs Apex 1.3.1 (and never since updated to anything else), system version 2.3.340, and already rooted. I want to upgrade this to Liberty 3, but I am a little confused as to the steps. So here are my questions:
- Will this guide work for going to Liberty3 (with Liberty 3 substituted for GB): http://www.droidforums.net/forum/li...-1-stock-apex-cm7-etc-any-rom-liberty-gb.html
- What is the best way to get to 4.5.602 (or 605)? Should I restore stock, do a normal upgrade, and then root? Or should I flash to a pre-rooted version? Do I need to worry about odexed/deodexed versions?
- Once I'm on 4.5.602, I am okay to just follow the install instructions on the official Liberty3 thread, right?