New to droid


New Member
Apr 1, 2010
Reaction score
HI, JUST bought a droid phone, I am having some issues and issues how to work this site, can someone email me [email protected] and maybe you can help me, thanks
HI, JUST bought a droid phone, I am having some issues and issues how to work this site, can someone email me [email protected] and maybe you can help me, thanks

Welcome, BJTRAVEL! You'll find this to be a very friendly place full of great people and information! The possibilities are endless for customization for that Droid. You'll be amazed at how much you can teach yourself by reading the threads here in the forum! Here's a good one about app recommendations.

Forget the top 5, list ALL of your apps

So what is it that you need help with? Just remember, there's no such thing as a stupid question around here. We all just asked it sooner than you did, that's all. Hope you enjoy your time here!
Can I call you regarding my questions about this site.. how do i join? how do i post things and get answers? Is there a good site you would recommend me to follow for new apps?
Barry Weiss
(i could give you MY number too if that is better)
Clarks Summit Pa.
Can I call you regarding my questions about this site.. how do i join? how do i post things and get answers? Is there a good site you would recommend me to follow for new apps?
Barry Weiss
(i could give you MY number too if that is better)
Clarks Summit Pa.

Hi, Barry! First check out the FAQs on the black bar at the top of the page. That will answer some questions right off the bat. Then use the Search feature to find answers. Say for example, you're having trouble setting up Yahoo email, search for Yahoo and a few hundred threads will display.

If you can't find the answer on your own, go to the appropriate section (click on the Forum button on the left in the white area above the black line and you'll see all the forum sections) and once you've found the most logical place, just click on it. Once inside, you can use the Forum Tools and 'Post a New Thread' to ask your question. We all ask questions, so don't be shy. The reason we post on the forum is so everyone can see the answer and learn from it. Heck I learn something new every day in here. Hope that helps!
Welcome! Can you please tell us exactly what problems you are having? We'll be glad to assist.
