I have been lucky enough to find some very intelligent people on here . I have to say this is an amazing site with some great developers . I am just introducing myself . I have my own small at home business doing laptop and cell phone repairs.
Also upgrades , with laptops ,touch screens and back lit keyboards are 2 of the biggest requests and a simple data transfer to a pure 515gig solid state drive {SSD} .
And for cell phones anything from watermarks in screens to full motherboard replacements .
Thanks to a lot of the sites especially this one and XDA ive in the last 8 months learnes how to root , use safe strap, or boot strap
and add a custom rom for myself and others . I want to thank everyone for that!
I had a cell phone store in Thousand oaks CA 91360 called Cellphone Repair but sold out to 3 guys and I have to warn everyone I can they are failing horribly due to the fact 1 was the guy {his name is Charlie } who was on that old reality tv show the Hogans with the wrestler Hogan .. Well Charlie was the guy that broke up their marriage by sleeping with mrs Hogan
{ I would have felt like I was being assaulted in prison }but since Charlie looks feminine I guess that was the highlight of his acting career .lol
the other guy is on work furlo for many charges I wont go into... and the last looks and sounds like the state farm actor on tv now lol and he is an idiot .
I just went there today to see how business was { its been a year }and when I did the books 120k a month gross income .
now they are 62k in debt ? huh I asked if I could borrow their /my old software to flash a droid razor maxx to page plus and omg they didn't have the programs anymore and no 1 new what I was talking about?
Its that's on the advertising sign .Needless to say I came to this forum and xda and got the copy of cdma management{ I have a link if any 1 wants it I did post in it droid 4 forums } But did get the fhone flashed thanks to the forums
So thank you very much for having such great material and information .It helped me out a lot
ad keep up the great work
Also upgrades , with laptops ,touch screens and back lit keyboards are 2 of the biggest requests and a simple data transfer to a pure 515gig solid state drive {SSD} .
And for cell phones anything from watermarks in screens to full motherboard replacements .
Thanks to a lot of the sites especially this one and XDA ive in the last 8 months learnes how to root , use safe strap, or boot strap
and add a custom rom for myself and others . I want to thank everyone for that!
I had a cell phone store in Thousand oaks CA 91360 called Cellphone Repair but sold out to 3 guys and I have to warn everyone I can they are failing horribly due to the fact 1 was the guy {his name is Charlie } who was on that old reality tv show the Hogans with the wrestler Hogan .. Well Charlie was the guy that broke up their marriage by sleeping with mrs Hogan
{ I would have felt like I was being assaulted in prison }but since Charlie looks feminine I guess that was the highlight of his acting career .lol
the other guy is on work furlo for many charges I wont go into... and the last looks and sounds like the state farm actor on tv now lol and he is an idiot .
I just went there today to see how business was { its been a year }and when I did the books 120k a month gross income .
now they are 62k in debt ? huh I asked if I could borrow their /my old software to flash a droid razor maxx to page plus and omg they didn't have the programs anymore and no 1 new what I was talking about?
Its that's on the advertising sign .Needless to say I came to this forum and xda and got the copy of cdma management{ I have a link if any 1 wants it I did post in it droid 4 forums } But did get the fhone flashed thanks to the forums
So thank you very much for having such great material and information .It helped me out a lot
ad keep up the great work