Who needs an unlocked bootloader for real. Some developers over at DroidHive have taken matters into their own hands with the announcement that the Verizon version of the phone would have a locked down bootloader. CVPCS, the same guy that got 2ndinit recovery for the DroidX and also the first one to get CM7 booting on the same device, has perfected a kexec automated boot process for the Galaxy S III. With this development "Dhacker" has built CWM recovery from CM source to be used in conjunction with his build of Cyanogen Mod 10!
This is Unofficial and is based off of CM10 alpha. That being said Dhacker and others have not found any major issues so far. So far Phone, SMS, Data, Rear Video, and Rear Camera, and front facing camera are all confirmed to be working. However front facing video camera is not working. Other than that this is definitely a good Rom to flash for all the crack flashers out there. It is highly suggested that you make a nandroid backup of your current Rom incase Jelly Bean is not for you.
Happy Crack Flashing! Via DroidHive