The Galaxy S3 is quickly aging. As news begins to leak of the Galaxy S5 this phone is becoming more and more of a dinosaur. This doesn't mean you can't still enjoy your S3. Chances are you may be getting ready to replace it anyhow. Until then Roms can be the perfect way to freshen up your aging device. It can also be a way to future proof your older devices so that they can last you for months to come. Clean Rom developer "Scottsroms" has released his 8th build of Clean Rom for the Verizon Galaxy S3. He is calling this build the "Core" Edition. If you are familiar with Clean Rom then you know that it pretty well sticks to stock touchwiz, but is much lighter and has enough tweaks to make this rom blazing fast!
The new Core Edition is based on the latest Verizon released Jelly Bean 4.3 and is De-odexed. This rom can be flashed on either an unlocked device or a device with SafeStrap. This Rom is extremely debloated with most samsung and verizon apps removed. It features extra toggles, an advanced reboot menu, recompiled stock kernel for unlocked devices, free tether for all, removed ime switcher in notification panel, black status bar, Nexus 5 ringtones, Performance and battery optimizations, and more! You can head to the link below for the download!
Via ScottsRoms