We finally have root, but we still do not have custom recovery or an unlocked bootloader for the Verizon Galaxy S6 Edge. However Roms can be flashed through FlashFire which is like Odin but on your phone. So far we do not have any Roms to flash, and there are no developers working on Roms for the device that I know of. However there is still a glimmer of hope. Scott of ScottsRoms the developer of one of my favorite Rom series ever "Clean Rom" has announced that he is willing and ready to pound out a rom for the S6 Edge, its just that he does not have a device of his own to develop on. Development without a device is possible, just incredibly inefficient and time consuming. If you there is anyone willing to donate a used Galaxy S6 Edge (even one with a bad IMEI) we can have roms for our device! Head to the link below for more inof.
via ScottsRoms