New Purchase--a Few Questions


New Member
Sep 30, 2010
Reaction score
New Jersey

I am new to the forum, and have been researching buying a Droid phone for quite a while. I know, I am sure you get this question a lot, but I am stuck between what phone I should purchase on the Verizon Network.

I am from NJ, generally satisfied with VZ and currently use a Blackberry Pearl.

Beyond the annoyance of owning a Pearl, RIM has just fallen so far behind with applications, browsing and the basic functions I now expect from my phone.

The recent .01 Samsung phone has also got me looking into purchasing a phone from Amazon Wireless. Has anyone had experience with purchasing a phone through Amazon? I could get a Droid Incredible for $79.99, which would certainly be preferable.

So my two questions are 1) which would be a best Droid phone for purchase and 2) Is Amazon Wireless reliable.

I am looking to use this phone for talk, personal e-mail and a few social media apps.



I am new to the forum, and have been researching buying a Droid phone for quite a while. I know, I am sure you get this question a lot, but I am stuck between what phone I should purchase on the Verizon Network.

I am from NJ, generally satisfied with VZ and currently use a Blackberry Pearl.

Beyond the annoyance of owning a Pearl, RIM has just fallen so far behind with applications, browsing and the basic functions I now expect from my phone.

The recent .01 Samsung phone has also got me looking into purchasing a phone from Amazon Wireless. Has anyone had experience with purchasing a phone through Amazon? I could get a Droid Incredible for $79.99, which would certainly be preferable.

So my two questions are 1) which would be a best Droid phone for purchase and 2) Is Amazon Wireless reliable.

I am looking to use this phone for talk, personal e-mail and a few social media apps.



I don't know what phone to tell you to buy, that's a decision you'll have to make. I use the D2 so I'm kind of prejudice towards that. But as far as Amazon Wireless, my wife got her Droid from there and it went smoothly.
I heard that Amazon and Wirefly (I got mine there and I still have it since Jan, perfect) are the best ones.
So I'd say yes.

As for the phone, it can rely on preference. I mean Droid 1 and Droid 2 have keyboards physical keyboards which help a LOT to me sometimes. People don't like the UI and other stuff about the X but some do, ect. I love my droid 1 though, it's awesome.
But whatever floats your boat.
Great! I was more curious on the Amazon aspect of my deal anyway. I will stop by the VZ store and give them a whirl. Amazon has a $30 credit going for first month as well, so its a pretty good deal right now.
