Hello all, just found this site and it looks great!! I am eligible for an upgrade early this May.That being said,i am VERY interested in the Droid X. My friend has the first model droid and LOVES it,he added his Mom to his plan and she ended up with the X model.He now wants that one as well! Anyhow,My questions are,"rumor" has it Verizon is going to the "tier" mode as at&t did some time back.As long as i "grandfather" into the unlimited 29.95 current plan(if i can upgrade in time) they cant "force" me into paying more (for unlimited) if they do in fact enter this "tier" mode correct? Secondly,i really think 3g is fast compared to not having any type of smartphone presently,do i need to spend more money on 4g? Lastly,has anybody heard of "free-apps" eventually going to cost extra? Thanks in advance for your comments and help!!