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Just got my Droid X this past weekend and finally rooted yesterday with z4mod successfully on first attempt and just now today downloaded and installed Rom Manager. Whats the best Rom for starters for me to start off with on my new device? THanks!
Sorry. I sent the send button before I typed on accident. Take a loof at Liquid Frozen Yogurts roms. I have tried several and found his to be the best. Most stable, best looking, easiest and smoothest running, and soooooo many themes. And boot logos. And so much more. But look up liquid frozen yogurt. Version 1.95 is the current. I will get a link in a min.
Just got my Droid X this past weekend and finally rooted yesterday with z4mod successfully on first attempt and just now today downloaded and installed Rom Manager. Whats the best Rom for starters for me to start off with on my new device? THanks!
My suggestion is rubiX 1.8.6. Its nice, its smooth, and its fast. Juicemane has an excellent theme to go with it. Its blackjuice 1.8 v2. Its a green theme but he's also working on a blue one. That's what I'm running and i have absolutely no complaints. ApeX 1.0 is another good one but i switched from apeX to rubiX
The only think I didn't like about rubix was the limit on theme colors. LFY has a bunch of colors and over clocking kernels. I have yet to see any other roms offer as many theme colors or options.
Look at the ROM's for the X and use the eney meanie miney moe method. Try that for a week and try another one until you find the one that works right for your X.
The only think I didn't like about rubix was the limit on theme colors. LFY has a bunch of colors and over clocking kernels. I have yet to see any other roms offer as many theme colors or options.
Why can't you use custol kernels on the DX. I have seen people post about it and in their signature they an over clock kernel. I see the slayer 1275slv a lot. Heck, I run that one on my D1.
Why can't you use custol kernels on the DX. I have seen people post about it and in their signature they an over clock kernel. I see the slayer 1275slv a lot. Heck, I run that one on my D1.
They can't figure out how to unlock the bootloader. You can overclock with Droid x/2 overclocker by jrummy. I've got a quadrant score of 1919 with that app @ 1.45ghz ulv. We don't really need custom kernals thanks to him
if you don't want blur, i'd recommend tranquility. i've been running that with launcherpro and have zero complaints. i wouldn't suggest using that frozen yogurt rom as i am pretty sure it is for the original droid