New Droid owner!


Mar 16, 2010
Reaction score
Hey everyone! I'm finally an owner of Droid. Wife and I were due for upgrade and we hopped on the Buy 1 Droid for $199 get the 2nd free. We are both happy with our purchase! I'm happy to see so much support for the Droid and Android OS.

To be blunt, I am anti-apple. I bought a 5th generation ipod long time ago for about $300. 6 Months after my purchase my iPod woudnt hold a full charge longer than an Hour. I took it back to apple and they gave me 2 options:

1) Get the battery replaced for $150 (half the price of the friggin ipod!?)
2) Buy a brand new ipod for $300

After that I turned my back on apple and never looked back

I am looking forward to enjoying my Droid as much as possible.
Congrats on the new droids! Your wife and yourself will enjoy them. Welcome to the forums. If you can dream of your phone doing's probably been mentioned on here. Do some reading and some searches.
Welcome, msg04! We're so happy you and your wife have decided to join us! So make yourself at home, and jump right in! You'll find that everyone on this forum is very friendly and here to help and learn! Reading the threads will teach you more than you could ever imagine, and if you get stuck, just post a question - someone will be along to help you out! Hope you both enjoy your time here with us!

Forget the top 5, list ALL of your apps

