IMHO, the fact that you have a Droid RAZR MAXX and given the fact that you "simply love it", I would say you might be disappointed with the battery life of other phones on the market currently. Also, if you love it, then the form factor feels good to you, you're happy with the GUI and don't seem to be burdened by the Bloatware (Motoblur), so again, why mess with success. Finally, the upgrade to the RAZR MAXX HD is not a HUGE upgrade, but it is a strong one and brings healthy improvements that will likely make you even happier.
The MAXX HD is the next phone slated for me, once I have some spare cash. I have an upgrade available on my family plan with my son's line so I can "steal" his upgrade by upgrading him to the MAXX HD, then handing down my MAXX to my wife and swapping my wife's RAZR to him. All will be happy that way!
Good luck! :biggrin: