need simple basic help


New Member
May 5, 2010
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Hi, John here TOTALLY frustrated and confused with Droid/Verizon. Purchased 3 months ago. Spent hours trying to find basic instructions. Mostly just venting here now. Took so many hours searching this site just to understand how to post this. Can someone point me to a site that is SIMPLE? I do not understand most of the this site and the navigation. At this point I am not sure i can even get back to get an answer. 1000 clickes and 3 months and i still cant get first app. Beautiful widgets to work. Stopped at 3 local stores, even reps in stores didnt understand the Droid I purchased. I am not tech minded. more hands on learning. thanks for patience, this will probably only be read by other tech novices that are lost. good luck!
First off, welcome to the forum. Sorry you are getting frustrated, but this really is a great place to learn.

Anyway, need some more information - I assume you have the D1 droid and you downloaded and installed Beautiful Widgets from the market. To install a widget, just press and hold on one of you home screens and a dialog box will pop up. Select "Widgets" from it. The next box will be the widgets that are available. Most of the Beautiful don't require any additional input except Home and Smaller Home and they will open the options menu. If you don't like the way it turns out, no sweat. Just press, hold and drag it to the trash can.

Hope this helps and don't worry and don't give up. We have all been frustrated by new technology from time to time (hey, sometimes this keyboard kicks my a**).