Need info on ics and webtop for bionic


After much using the google machine and the search function here I can't seem to even get a clear answer on the ics update for bionic. Yes I know there are roms out there I tried one and o found that my lapdock was nothing more than a phone charger after that...

So in short can anyone tell me how to get ics and also have use of my docking stations with webtop or am I simply S.O.L till something official is released. Thanks in advance.


I, too, have researched this topic and it looks like we'll just have to wait. :( I'd love to be proven wrong though. :)


Active Member
Am also anxiously awaiting the OTA ICS update to take advantage of lapdock improvements. Hopefully we're just a few short months away? If the "3rd quarter" rumors are correct then it would have to be any time in the next 90 days...


The thing I just read was some place around the 12th of this month if thats said to be true I can wait I just use my lapdock alot and wanna be able to still use it was kinda irritated when the only tweaks I can find were how to activate it without the hd dock... are there other tweaks for this or is that about it