Okay, So I've read that I need to SBF back to FROYO and then install the OTA Gingerbread, THEN install the new update to Cyanogen. Right now I'm already in Cyanogen.
Here's where I'm running into a snag, I haven't SBF'd in a while, so I'm a bit rusty. But I've turned USB debugging on. went to USB Mode and looked for PC mode, but it only showed the options: Portal & Tools, Windows Media Sync, Memory Card Access, and Charge Only.
I guessed PC Mode had been taken over by the words Portal and Tools, So I turned it to that, then rebooted my phone and powered it on while holding the up arrow.
Now in RSD Lite 4.8 I selected the SBF file I downloaded (VRZ_A955_2.3.2_1FF_01.sbf) but the device status never went off of "Connected..."
It won't allow me to start, so the question is really,
What did I do wrong? Or what can I do to fix this?
Here's where I'm running into a snag, I haven't SBF'd in a while, so I'm a bit rusty. But I've turned USB debugging on. went to USB Mode and looked for PC mode, but it only showed the options: Portal & Tools, Windows Media Sync, Memory Card Access, and Charge Only.
I guessed PC Mode had been taken over by the words Portal and Tools, So I turned it to that, then rebooted my phone and powered it on while holding the up arrow.
Now in RSD Lite 4.8 I selected the SBF file I downloaded (VRZ_A955_2.3.2_1FF_01.sbf) but the device status never went off of "Connected..."
It won't allow me to start, so the question is really,
What did I do wrong? Or what can I do to fix this?