New Member
I recently tried to get my .mobi files (they come from several sources on torrent sites) working on my phone. I hooked my phone up to my computer, and it comes up as a MOT drive. Inside this MOT drive, there is a Kindle folder, so I put my files into it, and tried to open them with the Kindle app the previous owner of the phone either downloaded or got with it from Verizon. It didn't work, so I tried powering down my phone, rebooting, still no luck. Then I tried updating to a newer version of the Kindle app, and that didn't work either. With both versions of the software, I tried using a Sync feature, which did not find the files. So next I downloaded free versions of Aldiko and Cool Reader from the Play Store. Aldiko seems to be the wrong program for .mobi files. Cool Reader seems to want the files to be in one of the following directories, in which I was unable to locate on my phone: /mnt/usbdisk_1.3, /mnt/usbdisk_12, /mnt/sdcard-e. So that is how far I have gotten, I am unsure what I am doing wrong, or what to try next.
I also fear that when I attempt to place my ROMS into emulators that I plan to download, this same issue may come up...
Thanks in advance
I also fear that when I attempt to place my ROMS into emulators that I plan to download, this same issue may come up...
Thanks in advance