Need help with bb v.04


May 18, 2010
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Does any one have a link for bugless beast v.04 and also i need to do it manually and never have done it before i always used rom manager but i messed it up somehow i believe i lost root on my phone and nothing is working properly so i either need to start over which i dont know how to do or to download bugless beast and do it manually..i am running 2.2 frg01b kernal ver and wanna go to bb v.04 any help would be awesome on moto droid also...please help..
I do have user permissions but nothing is working when i use rom manager it says privilage command error and rom manager isnt on super permissions so im not sure whats going on how do i install that manually never done manual before
When you try to run Rom Manager, does it give you the option to allow SU permission for Rom Manager? If so, make sure you check "remember".

Try opening SuperUser Permissions & see if Rom Manager is listed. If it is, try forgetting it, then open Rom Manager again & see if it will let you choose allow.

You could also try uninstalling Rom Manager, reboot than re-install, see if that helps.
Rom Manager has had problem after problem with Froyo. I recomend installing manually for sure.
Hmm, I've been using BB V0.4, switched to CM6 for a few pain-filled days, switched back to BB, all via Rom Manager. Never had an issue with it.

I have the paid license, but I don't think that has anything to do with it, seeing how CM & BB are in the freebie section.
ok ive done the unistall rom manager and re install had the same problems wont even let me flash clockwork mod get the same privilage command error and i forgot it on superuser permissions but it never popped back up to ask when i opened rom manager again..its like im rooted but im not stuck in the middle and i have no idea what to do..