hey folks. was on an excursion to mod and extend my battery life, and after doing some painstaking research on this forum
hail:mostly from foxkat and skull ones discussion found here: http://www.droidforums.net/forum/droid-razr-support/203273-battery-dead-all-you-naysayers.html),by using smart actions and downloading badassbattery and batteryxl (which i later uninstalled cause i did not like) - my gmail is not auto syncing now - basically now i have to click refresh to check my email, this is also true for my calandar. i would like to atleast have my instant emails like before because my gmail is my emergency email account. also noted that my yahoo mail is unaffected and still updates on its own. USUALLY i'm pretty computer/phone savvy and can backtrack and find a solution, but after failing time and time again, i post a new thread in admittance of defeat.
please help.
also i think it would be a great idea (as some have posted on here) to make a section dedicated to battery life issues with solutions (For Razr/MAXX) like which were mentioned in the thread posted above, but in English for simple comprehension :biggrin:
thanks DF.

please help.
also i think it would be a great idea (as some have posted on here) to make a section dedicated to battery life issues with solutions (For Razr/MAXX) like which were mentioned in the thread posted above, but in English for simple comprehension :biggrin:
thanks DF.