Need For Speed Shift on TB


Dec 9, 2009
Reaction score
What happen? I brought it on my DX and I alway could restore now it won't let me install i and on the handset shows up as me not even paying for it. But on the it shows as it being paided for but won't let me install it on my Thunderbolt. Any Ideas?
I have a post about this. And basically the games are not compatible with the thunderbolt. And they where pulled from access pretty much all EA games.

Sent via my HTC Thunderbolt.
The textures all show up white most likely, like on peoples' phones that were not the Droid X that tried to install that version, or the hacked version that was spread around. I ran into the same download block problem on my Droid X2 and copied my files from my X1 to try to get it back. Same problem, all white textures. I'd uninstalled the one that came on the X2 because I thought I could just reinstall the market version. No go. Was finally able to get someone to give me a copy of the original DX2 NFS Shift so I could reload it. As of right now, looks like if I want to play the game I'll have to repurchase the game.

Mediafire appears to be flaky at the moment, but when it comes back up try this link for the DX2 version. It's the demo so it should play without registering. If the game works and you really want to play it on a truly unsupported device (white texture problem), you could just repurchase it from Verizon. Sucks, but looks like the only option for some of us. I might try calling Verizon tomorrow to ***** and see if they'll credit me the $10 for the purchase since they'll have a record of my purchase on the DX1 last year.