Need app for easy entry of standard text phrases


New Member
Dec 4, 2009
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As a long time former Palm Treo user, I miss the quick text string in the texting App and Shortcut5 for all text entry fields. Is there an App for that?

The way Shortcut5 worked was to type a period followed by 1 or 2 characters which it would then replace with the text string you predefined.
Handcent SMS has a Quick Text setting which I think does what you want. I have never tried it though.
Handcent SMS has a Quick Text setting which I think does what you want. I have never tried it though.

Thanks, I will check that out, but I still would like an app that would work for any text field. Maybe a keyboard app would be the logical place to have a text substitution capability - maybe a keyboard app developer can add this feature? Is there a forum to ask developers for features?
Applications section of the forums here :) There's developers coming through.
I too would like this for any text field because the place I need an auto text adder is in emails and PM replies for forums. I use the same couple of paragraphs multiple times and would LOVE an app or something that allowed me to use that same set of text for both email and internet browser.
+1 for Handcent.

It's far better than the installed messaging app.
I like the functionality of Handcent but like the stock app's look. Any way to make Handcent look like the stock app as far as the GUI?
you mean changing the conversation setting to Android rather than the default bubble?
Try ClipStore.

You can 'register' text and use it anywhere you can paste text.

I have found you need to have it in your recent apps to take advantage of it though. Otherwise you need to go open clipstore, then go back to your app.
Another vote for Handcent. I just installed it today. My favorite feature is Quick Voice Reply. No hand-jamming simple entries. Just talk into it. Awesome!:icon_ banana:
How 'bout inserting a datestamp / timestamp? I mostly need to do this in memos, where I want to record the date and/or time when I wrote it. Thanks.