Need a Widget to Mute All Sounds


New Member
Mar 12, 2010
Reaction score
I recently upgraded from the original Droid to the HTC Thunderbolt. Great phone!

Since I work in an office where it is required to mute all cell phones, I need to find an app that mutes all sounds on my phone during the workday, rather than just the ringer. I do have AudioManager Pro which does allow me to do this in a few steps, but what I am looking for is a widget or app (preferably widget) I can put on my home page that will allow me to mute all sounds in one step. is there such a widget/app for this? I'm figuring that one for Media will likely suffice (I already have one for just the ringer), but the only one I've found thus far I'm not too crazy about (Media Volume Toggle). It's ok, but it flashes the screen when I use it, and it's an app rather than a widget, and I prefer a widget if possible (unless it's an app that isn't too taxing on the battery). Any suggestions?

Sorry don't really have a suggestion as far as another app or widget, but have you tried creating sound profiles on Audiomanager pro? You can place them on any home screen and all you do is click it and it automatically changes all volume settings to however you set them up in Audiomanger pro.

Just a suggestion, you might have already known about this or tried it.

Funny you should mention the profiles feature of AudioManager Pro. I actually was playing around with it tonight and discovered the profiles feature...somehow missed it before. It does exactly what I'm looking for, just as you'd mentioned. I was able to create a profile for home and one for work, and put a shortcut for each on my home screen. Ta-da! A one tap solution, just as I was looking for. Nice!

