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My Nexus is boxed up...

After having my Nexus for 3 months and experiencing nothing but dropped data low signal I had enough... It now sits in its box in my kitchen cabinet... It's a shame it has the potential to be a great device but the bugs it came loaded with would test the nerve of anyone... I am part to blame for not returning it during it's window... But I was assured by Verizon it would be corrected and it's not a device problem... And if by some chance it is the device it would be cured by a update in a timely fashion.... I primarily use a Razr for Business and added the Nexus for pleasure so to speak and got very little of that from it... I can honestly say it never dropped a call and I keep it on CDMA mode because im not near a 4G area.. But its ability to pick up and keep a signal for data in my home is annoying...while my Razr has full bars at home and shines as I type this..... I occasionally take it from its box and turn it on and hope to see a OTA. Update to fix the bugs.... The Phone has maybe a week worth of life out of it and I hate to return it for a certified used phone but am seriously considering it.... Any idea when a update will be released this is killing me
... I may just sell it and get a Iphone 4S and run it on Straight talk for 45.00 unlimited everything my friend has one on it and its as fast as my Razr......Hate to do it but it's a solid device must say that....

Sent from my DROID RAZR using DroidForums
And by no means am I hating on the phone I only hope it will be worked out soon so I can enjoy it.... I would consider root but had it done on my old thunderbolt and had rebooting issues and over clocking trouble and i am not savy enough to fix these types of issues and have to pay a guy to do it for me... So if anyone's heard anything about a OTA please give me hope.. Thanks

Sent from my DROID RAZR using DroidForums
Sorry to hear the Nexus didn't work out for ya.

As for the OTA, there is no official word of release yet, but all rumors point to a OTA within the next couple weeks (then again how many times have we heard that?). You'll just have to periodically check around here, especially in the news section to find out.
It's not a device problem, it's Vzw's exchange server, but they've yet to totally fix it. It is better though, at least in my area.

I see you post this a lot, but why do the Razr and Rezound my wife and I have (after selling our Nexus phones and trying iPhones, then missing 4G!) get great signal and reception and all four Nexus phones we had problems with?

Even when the Nexus HAD signal it was much worse. Side by side with the Razr running ICS, the Razr would have -87dbm and the Nexus -106dbm. I could make calls with the Razr and not the Nexus. The Razr also switches from 4g to 3g and back fine.

As much as I wanted to love the Nexus (it's screen blows away the Razr), it just fails as an actual phone. As a wifi gamer and entertainment devices its fine.
All LTE phones that have been released have the same signal complaints. Some more than others. That's the inconsistent nature of exchange server problems.
I know the excuses are lame and doesn't make those who are having issues feel any better.
I usually don't suggest that users mod their devices (not that there is anything wrong with it) but since you purchased the Nexus for "pleasure" as you stated, then perhaps you should play with it. You currently have it boxed up so you have nothing to lose, right?

Try the 4.0.4 radio, lots of people say it made an improvement, and yes, some have said it didn't help.
I have a hard time believing 4 different GNex (3 new, one CLNR) had severe problems and yet the Razr and Rezound from Craigslist are perfectly fine. I do believe that the 4G stuff still has some issues, but the Nexus' problems exacerbate it.

Sitting on my couch, ALL of the Nexus' I tried had problems. It didn't matter what radios (4.02, 4.03, 4.03/4.02 hybrid, 4.04) were flashed they still had poor signal. I tried 4 Nexus over a month and nothing helped, yet the first two phones I buy from random Joes online work without issue.

I flashed the leaked ICS (4.03) onto my Razr yesterday and it has zero problems with signal. I even get signal in the basement at work (which never happened even on 3G).

Sorry, I don't believe it.
Then why is my Nexus plugging along just fine? No call drops, data signal is always there, provided I'm in a good coverage area. I pull great speeds too.
I don't doubt that there are some good GNex out there. The variability just seems much higher with them. It isn't a good sign when the standard advice is to keep exchanging the phone "hoping" to get a good one...
I have a hard time believing 4 different GNex (3 new, one CLNR) had severe problems and yet the Razr and Rezound from Craigslist are perfectly fine. I do believe that the 4G stuff still has some issues, but the Nexus' problems exacerbate it.

Sitting on my couch, ALL of the Nexus' I tried had problems. It didn't matter what radios (4.02, 4.03, 4.03/4.02 hybrid, 4.04) were flashed they still had poor signal. I tried 4 Nexus over a month and nothing helped, yet the first two phones I buy from random Joes online work without issue.

I flashed the leaked ICS (4.03) onto my Razr yesterday and it has zero problems with signal. I even get signal in the basement at work (which never happened even on 3G).

Sorry, I don't believe it.

Ignorance is bliss :D
There is clearly some consistency among a specific device's settings (software and radio) vs. another specific device's settings, combined with the authentication issues. I don't want to name how many of each of the LTE devices I've had - please note I said how many of each, not how many individual LTE devices :icon_eek: - as it's a little bit embarrassing (the only ones I haven't owned are the LG phones and the Charge). I've put them all on a spectrum, mentally, so I'll lay that out here.

This is based off of my experience in the Dallas/Ft. Worth area, where LTE is normally very strong. This is also strictly my experience when it comes to signal reliability - and I define reliability as the following:
  • ability to switch between 4G and 3G seamlessly without dropping
  • ability to hold 4G when/where it should without switching (i.e. I'm standing in my house, which is right by an LTE tower, and it never loses 4G)
  • ability to quickly regain (within a few seconds) a 3G or 4G signal when it drops
Worst to Best...

Early Thunderbolt > Early Bionic > Nexus > Razr / Razr Maxx > Rezound

Based on what I've seen today, though I haven't experienced it as I haven't owned a Bolt or Bionic in quite awhile, I would venture to put the Nexus at the front and the Bolt/Bionic after it. The Razr/Maxx really improved around here after the last maintenance OTA, so I would put it on par with the Rezound.

Again, I've owned 2 (or more in most cases) of each of those over a significant period of time. That spectrum has been consistent among each device I've had, in my location.

So yes, the authentication thing is an issue. But to say it's the only issue and has nothing to do with the device is a bit presumptuous. The Bolt/Bionic are much better now, but look how long it took them to get those phones up to par. The Rezound has been pretty solid from day 1. The Razr was iffy early on as well (though better than the Bionic), and is almost perfect now. So, yes, software seems to be able to make it work better, along with network improvements. But the question is how long do you have to wait for them to "fix" the phone?

I'd also like to add that the Nexus is the only phone I've ever owned on Verizon where I've dropped calls (only a few times). And again, I'm in the same geographic locations 99% of my time, and it happened on more than one Nexus.

I'm not trying to bash the Nexus. I really love that device. Mine didn't have near as many problems as what I've seen/read on others, and honestly weren't that bad with the signal. So I'm not coming from some biased, pissed-off-customer perspective, as mine worked really well over all. It was the battery life that eventually did me in, as I quickly became spoiled by the Maxx. If it wasn't for that, I would've kept the Nexus.

Holy cow that became long-winded...
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Then why is my Nexus plugging along just fine? No call drops, data signal is always there, provided I'm in a good coverage area. I pull great speeds too.

That's what I'm saying. Haven't had any issues at all. No dropped calls. No problems with data other than when Verizon goes down. I know 5 people that have Nexi since day 1 and not one of us have any any issues at all. For the most part they were bought in different VZW stores throughout 2 states.

I get the same coverage if not better than my Droid 1. I have no idea how 1 person can have so many problems with different devices. The only thing I can see in common is the end user. End user, do you root and ROM?
I have a hard time believing 4 different GNex (3 new, one CLNR) had severe problems and yet the Razr and Rezound from Craigslist are perfectly fine. I do believe that the 4G stuff still has some issues, but the Nexus' problems exacerbate it.

Sitting on my couch, ALL of the Nexus' I tried had problems. It didn't matter what radios (4.02, 4.03, 4.03/4.02 hybrid, 4.04) were flashed they still had poor signal. I tried 4 Nexus over a month and nothing helped, yet the first two phones I buy from random Joes online work without issue.

I flashed the leaked ICS (4.03) onto my Razr yesterday and it has zero problems with signal. I even get signal in the basement at work (which never happened even on 3G).

Sorry, I don't believe it.

I believe because I have noted several times on this forum that I personally been through 4 after being in line paying full retail. I tried all the radios and 4.04 until I finally could not take it any more. And if it was just an lte issue I may have let it slide but even when I switched to wifi with my router less than 5 feet from where I was at I still kept having issues with it holding a signal. Now I understand that some people are not having those issues but there are more than enough people complainting and taking phones back over it. And before we start saying "I don't believe" lets not forget the Samsung Charge had an issue with its lte radio earlier on as well. So it is not that far fetched. I switched to the rezound and I get on avg -60dBm as oppose to my best nexus on it best day getting -115 dBm. Now before anyone starts wanting to call me out for being a nexus hater you might want to check some of my posts. Last year I started one of the petitions for a fight against bloatware and one for giving us a vanilla device (ie the nexus). I waited and hyped the nexus until it came out and continue to try and hold on to it hoping for a fix. The problem is a fix never came and my 30 days were up so I had to decide to keep it with its problems or make a trade. And like the op I still look hoping for a true fix because the moment we get one I have no problem buying one again.