After having my Nexus for 3 months and experiencing nothing but dropped data low signal I had enough... It now sits in its box in my kitchen cabinet... It's a shame it has the potential to be a great device but the bugs it came loaded with would test the nerve of anyone... I am part to blame for not returning it during it's window... But I was assured by Verizon it would be corrected and it's not a device problem... And if by some chance it is the device it would be cured by a update in a timely fashion.... I primarily use a Razr for Business and added the Nexus for pleasure so to speak and got very little of that from it... I can honestly say it never dropped a call and I keep it on CDMA mode because im not near a 4G area.. But its ability to pick up and keep a signal for data in my home is annoying...while my Razr has full bars at home and shines as I type this..... I occasionally take it from its box and turn it on and hope to see a OTA. Update to fix the bugs.... The Phone has maybe a week worth of life out of it and I hate to return it for a certified used phone but am seriously considering it.... Any idea when a update will be released this is killing me
... I may just sell it and get a Iphone 4S and run it on Straight talk for 45.00 unlimited everything my friend has one on it and its as fast as my Razr......Hate to do it but it's a solid device must say that....
Sent from my DROID RAZR using DroidForums
... I may just sell it and get a Iphone 4S and run it on Straight talk for 45.00 unlimited everything my friend has one on it and its as fast as my Razr......Hate to do it but it's a solid device must say that....
Sent from my DROID RAZR using DroidForums