My Droid scares me..


New Member
Jan 1, 2010
Reaction score
Sunny California
I've owned the Razr since they first were released long ago. Upgrading directly to the Droid probably wasn't the best idea, I guess that makes me a Moto fanboy. Almost smashed the darn thing when it startled me with the blaring "DROIDDROIDDROID" text alert. This thing feels totally foreign to me and I love it! :icon_ banana:

Slowly getting use to the interface, along with deciding which apps to load. Just saying hello(& happy New Year) to the Droid community, my newest forum home. Cheers everyone! :)
It's the best when the Droid goes off in the bank or the post-office : )


Welcome to the forums nutritious...

This is your home so enjoy it....
Howdy!! hallo !! bonjour !! alohahahaha !! hi hi hi!!!! comment aliz vous! does that cover it? Welcome and happy new year to you too :D
I use Timeriffic and its set to silent mode at work. Well, I overrode the settings one morning and forgot about it and about 15 minutes after I sat down at my desk the D-R-O-I-D went off....everyone looked at me and I was like oh no...but I got several thumbs up after it happened.
the best is , will ferril sound board, from wedding crashers, mine says, " MA! the meatloaf!.........****!" so good when ur in a quiet place and that goes off, btw droids speaker is louder than others so if ur used to a razr, tone it down before u go
I want my phone to say "By your Command" like the Cylons from "Battlestar Galactica" every time I get a message or someting, that would be cool. I like the "Droid" notification tone, I might switch back to that one.
Thanks for the friendly welcomes. Already found a wealth of information in the past two days, amazes me how fast this community grows..