Music player stops songs when multi tasking


New Member
Jan 4, 2010
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This is the problem I run into most with MIUI, although I have to say it's gotten much better recently... I can listen to music fine all day with the stock player, but when I try to multi task like open the browser, randomly my music will get stopped and then I have to go back and restart it. And it's not a pause, like other audio is taking it's place, it's a stop where it loses it's spot in the song and resets. Some apps seem fine, and it's not consistent that the browser opening always triggers it... sometimes I need to go to a few pages first before it happens, but it always happens eventually. Does anyone else have this problem?

I'm wondering if maybe it has to do with the memory manager where once enough memory is used up, it clears out the music app's memory which makes it stop. Is it possible to force the app to always be in memory once I open it?
Same problem here... I have to leave the music player as the focussed app or it will stop playing.
Ditto, and not just with the Stock app, happens with WinAmp also.
Ok so I'm pretty sure it's memory related. As a test, I took all the widgets off all my screens and rebooted the phone to make sure the ram was cleared out... And the problem so far has gone away. I've been opening and closing the browser, and other apps and no stops anymore.

Can anyone else try taking some widgets off and see if it fixes it?

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Makes sense I guess. The Droid doesn't exactly have a ton of memory to begin with..
Agreed, the droid does lack in physical memory... But I've never seen this happen to the music app in any other rom, our even the stock verizon version of android. They must be doing something extra to force it to not get unloaded from memory that miui isn't doing. Hope they fix it at some point...

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This rom requires 32mb dalvik heap size(per app running) which is more than what most other roms require(24mb) which means you cant do as many things at once before android kills big ram hogs(aka music), as this device is getting older its starting to show its age while running the latest and greatest....
Hmm interesting, thanks for the info! Just have to figure out a better balance of widgets so it doesn't effect other apps as much then.
I've had this problem mostly when using poweramp while navigating in my car. I used Jrummy's Root Tools to change the "keep memory free" setting down to 25mb. I think its helped a lot since i did this. Maybe it will help.
nice find! it does help for me too, although it didn't fix it completely... It's been stopping about 2 or 3 times on my 45 commute... But that's down from every minute or 2 before. Thanks for the tip.

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does anyone know if the miui music app supports m3u playlists now? My Droid died and insurance sent me out a Droid X as replacement so I cant use the miui rom anymore but I've been wanting to use the music player...