Multimedia Station problem


New Member
Dec 17, 2009
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I have just bought a new case for my droid ( Vertical Leather Pouch ) and every time I put my droid in the case it says "Connected to Multimedia Station".
Is there any reason why is thinking that my case is a multimedia station?
How the hell isn't it thinking is a multimedia station when it isn't connecting to anything?
Has anyone else experienced this?
Is there any suggestion on how to fix this?
There is a magnet in your pouch that is activating the multimedia station. Return the pouch...
Does the magnet damage my droid?
and don't all cases pretty much bring a magnet at the top to secure it shut?
a lot of the cases use a magnet you will want to test the pouches because depending on where it is it may activate the dock mode which will kill you for battery if you don't realize it and keep the screen on the whole time in dock mode.
Ok well, i see that the multimedia thingy activates when the magnet is near the top back, so im just gonna put my droid in the case upsidedown...this should give it some kind of a fix...
if that fixes it then go ahead and do it that way. the magnet shouldn't hurt the phone but like said before if you are in dock mode it will not turn the screen off and your battery will suffer.